Daniel P. Jeong

danielje [at] cs.cmu.edu

I'm a Ph.D. student in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University. I'm fortunate to be advised by Profs. Pradeep Ravikumar and Zack Lipton as part of the Foundations of Statistical Machine Learning Group and the Approximately Correct Machine Intelligence Lab. I also closely collaborate with Prof. Michael Oberst.

Previously, I earned my B.S. degree in Computer Science and Applied Math from Columbia University, where I was advised by Profs. Itsik Pe'er, David A. Knowles, David M. Blei, and Kriste Krstovski. I also spent a couple of summers with the Machine Learning Groups (398J, 393K) at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

My research interests are broadly in Statistical Machine Learning, Large Language Models, Graph Representation Learning, Robustness, and Healthcare. My work is supported by the ARCS Foundation.